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The Technology

Water Structuring Technology is the outcome of scientific research of biologists and in their biophysical research works they proved useful effect of Technology on crops, plants, poultry, dairy and fish farms. It includes physical – chemical changes of natural water parameters resulting in improvement of filtration properties and in an increase of dissolving properties of water. These changes result in an increased ability of soil to get rid of salts and result in a better assimilation of nutrients and fertilizer in plants during the vegetation period.

It is known that plants and trees need mineral salts and micro elements from the soil to function photosynthesize properly. However plants do not use the majority of nutrients preserved in soil. While watering crops/plants with normal water, only a small amount of nutritional elements dissolves in the soil and becomes available to the crops/plants.

Furthermore the consumption of these nutrients from the soil is very rare when plants start to grow and larger amount of these nutrients are required, the deficit microelements results low numbers of crop production. This deficit of nutrients/microelements in the soil is the main reason for decreased growth rate and low crop. That is the justification to why Water Structuring Technology should be used for irrigation. Water Structuring Devices breaks down minerals into smaller particles making them more bio-available to the plant cells resulting in maximum hydration of healthy water with greater uptake of minerals results in greater yields, larger and better end product, earlier maturation, longer shelf life, and healthier plants. It allows a reduction of water needed, fertilizer and pesticides.

Solution for Water & Soil Problems:

This Technology effectively works in the following four agriculture scenarios.

Technology Benefits

Our Water Structuring Technology enhance agricultural resources, resulting the following multi-fold commercial and environmental benefits:

Use of Brackish Water for Irrigation.
Agriculture on Brackish Water 100%
20-50% increase in crop yield & quality produce and some crops double.
Increased Crop Yield 50%
Crop Mature 10-15 days earlier.
Saving 15%
Produce - Shelf life Increase
Increased Shelf Life 100%
20-30% reduction in water used for irrigation
Saving 30%
30-50% reduction in seed usage.
Increased Germination 50%
Reduction in use of fertilizer by up to 50%.
Fertilizer Saving 50%
Reduces diseases of plants by 60-70 %.
Minimize Plant diseases 70%

Agriculture with Brackish Water

Now agriculture is possible with brackish water and on saline land.

Since Structured Magnetic Water breaks all minerals into smaller particles, salt in the soil is broken down by the structured water, causing it to sink deep into the soil, away from plant roots, and wash away. The desalinization happens quickly over a season, creating much healthier plants, greater yields, and better final product.

Soil Desalination:

One of the most serious agriculture problems is the salinity of soil, caused by accumulation of salts in soil. Salts concentration in plant capillaries lead to insufficient amounts of nourishing substances, resulting in the death of plants. Following changes were recorded in soil


Efficiency of Innovative devices are 100% and its installation is very simple. Product life is above 15 years. Following are the unmatched features of Innovative devices.